Construction Criteria, Specifications & Details
Design criteria and plan requirements
All design elements must conform to our design criteria. This document summarizes the design criteria and minimum plan requirements in Lenexa.
The following guidelines are in addition to the requirements in Lenexa City Code Section 4-1-B-23-AE-Wireless Communication Facility: Wireless Facilities Guidelines(PDF, 140KB)
We also have additional design standards for new development in the Lenexa City Center neighborhood.
Lenexa City Center Design Guidelines(PDF, 6MB)
Pre-approved materials
To use any of the items on the Pre-Approved Materials List(PDF, 198KB), mark the items you intend to use and send it back to us:
If you would like to use other materials, they must first be approved by our city engineer. To receive approval, submit catalog cuts or other technical information so it can be reviewed.
Technical specifications
These documents contain the technical specifications for all public improvements, including materials and construction information for streets, storm sewers, parks facilities, driveway pavement in the right-of-way, street lights and traffic signals. New projects are required to use the most current specifications available below, although older specifications are available for those previously approved projects still under construction.
Stormwater report criteria
Standard details
These documents contain the standard details for all public improvements, including the construction details for streets, storm sewers, parks facilities, driveway pavement in the right-of-way, street lights, traffic signals, and erosion control. New projects are required to use the most current details available below, although older details are available for those previously approved projects still under construction.
Other resources