Public Hearing for Special Use Permit for proposed homeless shelter

Public Hearing rules and decorum 

Given the anticipated interest in providing comments at the Aug. 26 Public Hearing, the Planning Commission Chair has instituted the following rules to ensure everyone who wishes to speak is heard and to maintain an orderly and efficient public comment process:

  • Comments will be limited to three minutes per speaker, and you may only speak once.
    • Direct your comments and questions to the Planning Commission Chair.
    • The Chair will direct questions raised by the public to either staff or the applicant for response at the end of the Public Hearing. Please note that certain questions may not be able to be readily answered at the meeting.
  • Rebuttals and debate between the public and applicant or staff are not allowed.
  • Applause, cheers and jeers are disruptive to the Planning Commission proceedings and are discouraged. Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or becoming boisterous may be requested to leave immediately and barred from further audience before the Planning Commission at the meeting.

Register to speak and speaking order

How to register to speak

If you wish to speak at the Public Hearing for the proposed homeless services center, we highly encourage you to register prior to the meeting.

Register online to speak at the Aug. 26 Planning Commission meeting. Online registration closes at 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 26. For assistance filling out the form, email or call 913.477.7550.

Register to speak during Public Hearing

In-person registrations will also be accepted prior to the Aug. 26 Planning Commission meeting. Doors to the Community Forum will open at 6:30 p.m. and registration will conclude at 6:55 p.m. City staff will be available to register speakers during this timeframe before the meeting starts.

Speaking order

Speakers will be asked to identify whether they live or have a business in Lenexa and will be heard in the order they registered, according to the following parameters:

  • Individual Lenexa residents and business owners who pre-registered will be given priority to comment first.
  • Organized groups who pre-registered will be allotted time after individual comments from Lenexa residents and businesses. Comments will still be limited to three minutes per speaker.
  • Attendees who are not from Lenexa, who do not wish to disclose that information, or who register in person at the meeting will be placed at the end of the speaker list.

The speaking order will be displayed on the Community Forum screens and the speaker(s) next in line will be announced by City staff. When your name is called/displayed as next in line, please queue in the aisle behind the podium with the microphone. The Chair will recognize you to speak when the previous speaker’s time has concluded.

Planning Commission process for a Public Hearing

  1. The agenda item is called up for consideration by the Planning Commission Chair.
  2. The applicant presents their proposal (approximately 30 minutes).
  3. City staff present their report analyzing the proposal and outlining their recommendation for how to disposition the item — either approval, approval with conditions or denial (approximately 30 minutes).
  4. The Chair opens the floor to Commissioners for questions of the applicant and staff.
  5. The Planning Commission Chair opens the Public Hearing.
  6. Comments from the public are heard.
  7. The Planning Commission Chair closes the Public Hearing.
  8. The Planning Commission discusses the proposal, asks further questions of the staff and the applicant, and renders a recommendation — either approval, approval with conditions or denial. The recommendation is then included in the City Council’s meeting packet for consideration during its own deliberation on the proposal.

In anticipation of a long meeting, breaks will be taken approximately every two hours.

Related information

Planning Commission Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission Aug. 26 Meeting

Background news story