Lenexa approves new roadmap for future growth

Published on July 03, 2024

Lenexa Comprehensive Plan document cover

The Lenexa City Council adopted the new Lenexa Comprehensive Plan at its meeting on July 2, 2024. This strategic policy guide will help inform development and land-use decisions across the city over the next 20 years. 

The City of Lenexa began work on a major update to its Comprehensive Plan in 2021. A consultant team from Houseal-Lavigne was selected to help craft a plan that would build off the enthusiastic community engagement and sweeping goals of the Vision 2040 process that wrapped up in 2019. 

Public feedback opportunities and extensive study of past planning efforts and potential land use scenarios helped the project team and steering committee to hone a final plan that supports the community’s vision and expectations for land use.

“I’m proud of the work our community has put into creating the new Comprehensive Plan,” said Scott McCullough, Community Development Director. “The final product outlines practical steps to bring many of the big-picture ideas from Vision 2040 to fruition. Recommendations in the Plan can help further community goals like providing missing middle housing, improved connectivity, sustainable development, appropriate redevelopment of commercial areas and neighborhood nodes.

“The Plan includes strategies to maintain, invest in and enhance Lenexa’s established neighborhoods. Where subdivisions were built in isolated areas, the Plan features policies that encourage a well-planned, cohesive transition between the density and uses of future development and the existing homes. Viewing decisions through this lens will help ensure that we take thoughtful, strategic actions which contribute to the community’s long-term vision and success.”

The final Plan is built around a series of goals and policies in five key areas:

  1. Housing and neighborhoods
  2. Commercial and employment areas
  3. Transportation and mobility
  4. Community facilities and infrastructure
  5. Parks, open space and recreation 

The document also includes an updated Future Land Use Map and implementation steps. 

“This new Comprehensive Plan will be a valuable decision-making guide for staff, the City Council and the Planning Commission,” said Beccy Yocham, Lenexa city manager. “When city leaders review proposals related to land use, economic development, housing and other key community issues, they’ll consider how these projects align with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. By establishing a more detailed vision for how the city is likely to develop, staff can plan for future infrastructure, public facilities, parks and trails in a smart, fiscally responsible way.” 

Any new or adopted policies, like those requiring changes to the City’s Development Code, will need to go through a formal approval process. This would include review and action by the Planning Commission and/or City Council, as well as public input. 

If you’re interested in development issues or future changes to City land use policies, sign up to receive Planning Commission minutes and agendas