Fermented foods at the Lenexa Farmers Market

Published on May 30, 2024

Half Day Creamery yogurt, The Wooden Spoon sourdough bread, Morning Light Kombucha can of blackberry lemongrass kombucha, Mindfully Made fire cider

Curious about probiotics? These are beneficial bacteria and yeasts that live in the gut and aid in digestion. Good gut microbiota help break down food, communicate with your immune system and keep inflammation at bay. 

Fermented foods are a great way to get more good bacteria into your gut. Fermentation is actually one of the oldest techniques for food preservation. Here are examples of fermented probiotic products that Lenexa Farmers Market vendors offer:


(Artisan Kombucha, Morning Light Kombucha, Next to Nature Farm)

Kombucha is a probiotic-rich, effervescent fermented tea. Fresh kombucha contains antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation and supporting your immune system. Our vendors make kombucha in an array of flavors with local ingredients.

Fire cider

(Mindfully Made)

Fire cider is a fermented herbal tonic. Many drink fire cider as a support to their immune systems. It is often used as a home remedy to ward off cold-weather illness. Mindfully Made’s fire cider is spicy and sweet fire and comes in a 9-ounce bottle.


(Next to Nature Farm)

You might not realize that yogurt is a fermented dairy product. The fermentation process is what gives yogurt its texture and tart flavor. Next to Nature Farm carries Half Day Creamery yogurt, which is made in Topeka from milk and active cultures.

Sourdough bread

(The Perfect Crumb by The Wooden Spoon)

Sourdough bread is made with a fermented flour and water mixture that contains wild yeast. This helps make it more digestible than other breads made with commercial baker’s yeast. Try the chewy San Francisco-style sourdough loaf from The Perfect Crumb by The Wooden Spoon.


Want a DIY project? Make your own kimchi from fresh cabbage and bok choy.

Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish of salted and naturally fermented vegetables. It's tangy, spicy and slightly sour and is commonly made with napa cabbage or radishes. Fermented vegetables can aid with digestion and gut health due to the high nutrition content of the vegetables, as well as the probiotics created through fermentation. Lenexa Farmers Market vendors grow a variety of vegetables that would be great to experiment with in homemade kimchi.

In addition to probiotics, there is also something called “prebiotics.” These specialized plant fibers feed the good gut bacteria so it can continue to grow and offer health benefits. Good sources of prebiotics at the Lenexa Farmers Market include greens, onions, leeks, asparagus, garlic, beans, apples and sourdough bread.

So, follow your gut to the Market!

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