Community Visioning
Lenexa residents have led three successful community visioning processes over several decades. Those efforts helped create the city of today and will continue to shape our community in the future.
Vision 2040
Thousands of community members shared input during dozens of outreach opportunities in 2018 to form Vision 2040. Participants envisioned and described what Lenexa could or should become in 20 years. Themes quickly surfaced about what makes Lenexa special today and what will make the community flourish into the future.
Community members shared that they were happy with the results of prior visioning efforts and the delivery of city services. The clear message was that the City should “stay the course.” It should continue to fulfill community priorities and maintain current levels of service. Five major themes emerged from the Vision 2040 process, including:
Healthy People: Our vision for Lenexa is to be a community where people, throughout their lifespans, are safe, physically active and improve their mental and physical health by spending time outdoors and with each other.
Inviting Places: Our vision for Lenexa is to be a community full of places with beauty, social offerings and openness that draw people to them.
Vibrant Neighborhoods: Our vision for Lenexa is to have vibrant neighborhoods that offer a variety of housing types, sizes and prices with opportunities for shopping and support services nearby as well as convenient public facilities such as quality roads, pedestrian connections, parks and schools.
Integrated Infrastructure & Transportation: Our vision for Lenexa is seamless transportation and connected infrastructure systems managed to enhance quality and performance while reducing resource consumption, waste and overall costs.
Thriving Economy: Our vision for Lenexa is to be a place thriving with economic activity, a variety of business types and innovative people that create jobs and sustainable businesses.
Sections of the report explore actions the community can take to fully realize the themes outlined through Vision 2040.
Lenexa Vision 2040(PDF, 8MB)
Vision 2030
In 2008, Vision 2030 gave our residents a chance to revisit the goals made a decade earlier and refine the ideas to reflect Lenexa’s growth. We held community forums to gather citizen input. Dozens of community members served on task forces focused on seven key areas: community spirit and amenities, education and learning, housing and neighborhoods, infrastructure and transportation, safe and healthy community, strong economic base and sustainable, quality community growth.
Lenexa Vision 2030(PDF, 1MB)
Vision 2020
Lenexa residents created the Vision 2020 plan in 1997, outlining their priorities as the city continued to grow. They identified six key issue areas: community spirit and recreation, commercial development, residential development, economic development, education, and infrastructure and transportation. Lenexa City Center was envisioned as part of the Vision 2020 process.
Lenexa Vision 2020(PDF, 4MB)