Citizen Survey
Every two years, we survey our residents to assess citizen satisfaction with the delivery of major city services and to help us determine the community’s priorities as part of our ongoing planning process.
In fall 2023, 763 residents completed the most recent survey, far exceeding the goal of 600 completed surveys. The sample size helps ensure results are accurate. They have a precision of at least +/-3.5% at the 95% level of confidence.
Lenexa continues to exceed the Kansas/Missouri area and communities across the United States in satisfaction ratings. Lenexa rated significantly higher than the Kansas/Missouri area average (difference of 3.5% or more) in 50 of 51 areas.
2023 Citizen Survey Findings Report(PDF, 5MB)
2023 Citizen Survey Presentation by ETC Institute(PDF, 2MB)
When comparing results from the last survey, satisfaction increased from 2021 to 2023 in these key areas:
- Staff helped me resolve an issue to my satisfaction: Up 10.1%
- Staff did what they said they would do in a timely manner: Up 8.2%
- Level of public involvement in local decision-making: Up 7.2%
- Maintenance of major city streets: Up 5.9%
- Overall quality of leadership provided by the City’s elected officials: Up 5.7%
- Overall effectiveness of boards and commissions: Up 5.5%
- Overall effectiveness of the city manager and appointed staff: Up 3.9%
Below are a few of the ratings we look at each year to gauge citizen satisfaction. The percentages shown are the number of people who rated us 5 (Very Satisfied) or 4 (Satisfied) on a scale of 1 to 5.
Overall quality of life
- Lenexa: 95%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 78%
As a place to live
- Lenexa: 98%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 87%
- U.S.: 49%
Overall appearance of the City
- Lenexa: 95%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 59%
- U.S.: 55%
Overall image of the City
- Lenexa: 95%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 69%
- U.S. 53%
As a place to raise children
- Lenexa: 96%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 77%
- U.S.: 61%
As a place to work
- Lenexa: 88%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 65%
- U.S.: 57%
Overall quality of services provided by the City
- Lenexa: 92%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 74%
- U.S.: 49%
Overall quality of police services
- Lenexa: 94%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 78%
- U.S.: 53%
Overall quality of fire and emergency medical services
- Lenexa: 97%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 88%
- U.S.: 76%
Overall quality of customer service you receive from City employees
- Lenexa: 84%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 74%
- U.S.: 39%
Overall maintenance of City streets
- Lenexa: 84%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 50%
- U.S.: 41%
Overall effectiveness of City communications with the public
- Lenexa: 83%
- Kansas/Missouri area: 63%
- U.S.: 37%