Planning Commission


The Planning Commission reviews planning applications, such as rezoning, special use permits, plans and plats. The Commission also reviews Lenexa's Comprehensive Plan to ensure it stays relevant and responsive to changes in our vision, demographic trends and development patterns. Often the Planning Commission acts as a recommending body and some planning applications must receive final approval by the City Council.


The Planning Commission typically meets at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of the month in the Community Forum at Lenexa City Hall. Please see the meeting calendar to verify meeting dates because not all meetings occur on the first Monday of the month. Meetings are open to the public and anyone may appear before the Commission to present their views on an agenda item.

2025 Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines(PDF, 234KB)

Presenting to the Planning Commission(PDF, 683KB)

Agendas and minutes

Copies of upcoming meeting agendas and staff reports are typically available on the Thursday before the meeting date. Minutes of previous meetings are available after they are approved at the following meeting.

Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals applications

For more information about the pending applications listed below, please contact Community Development at or 913.477.7500.

Pending applications

Planning Commission applications

Real Church located at 15602-15618 College Blvd. – SUP for church; changing location – Special Use Permit

Ad Astra Pool Reconstruction located at 8265 Maurer –Public pool renovation - Preliminary Plan

Petco located at 9658 Quivira – Façade improvement for new tenant – Revised Final Plan

Sonoma Plaza Phase 3 Multifamily located at 87th St. Pkwy & Maurer Rd. – New 265,000 SF multifamily residential; 4 stories + 1 level of parking podium below; 226 dwelling units – Final Plan 


Current members

The Planning Commission consists of nine members who are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council.

  • Chris Poss, Chair (term expires Feb. 28, 2025)
  • Mike Burson, Vice Chair (Feb. 28, 2027)
  • Don Horine (Feb. 28, 2027)
  • Curt Katterhenry (Feb. 28, 2027)
  • David Woolf (Feb. 28, 2025)
  • Brenda Macke (Feb. 28, 2025)
  • John Handley (Feb. 28, 2026)
  • Ben Harber (Feb. 28, 2026)
  • Cara Wagner (Feb. 28, 2026)