In order to ensure your project with us is successful, we require the following:
- Read the guidelines for your respective award.
Plan for a minimum of four months to complete your project. We cannot accept projects with emergency deadlines.
You must be a resident of Lenexa or belong to a Lenexa-based scouting troop.
Expect to make all contacts and communication required to complete your project yourself with limited parental or adult involvement. Your parents or adult troop leaders are welcome and encouraged to accompany you during your meetings with the city coordinator. However, if the coordinator observes your project being run by adults, the city coordinator will not sign off on the project.
Present yourself in a professional manner in your communications with our staff (phone calls, meetings, emails, etc.).
Your project must be of a scope and level that can be accomplished by you and your crew. We reserve the right to reject projects which require too much adult participation, have safety issues or considerable maintenance costs.
You are responsible for the maintenance of your project for one year after its completion.
Please understand that the city coordinator and the city project manager have official duties that take priority over scouting projects. While they will try to accommodate your meeting request times, meetings must be arranged around their schedule.
We reserve the right to remove or discontinue past scouting projects due to theft, vandalism, maintenance issues or lack of need.