Ballots have been mailed to registered voters in Lenexa, who will decide whether to renew the City’s 3/8-Cent Sales Tax. Mail or drop off your completed ballot by noon on April 1.
The City of Lenexa takes a proactive approach to street maintenance to keep our road network in good condition. Municipal Services staff maintain streets and trails through sidewalk repairs, street sweeping, pothole patching and curb repair. More extensive repairs are addressed by contractors through several ongoing programs.
Report a pavement problem
Lenexa’s Pavement Management Program helps extend the useful life of roads and ensure they’re safe. Work includes mill and overlay, curb replacement and sidewalk repairs in neighborhoods and along major thoroughfares. Areas that will be addressed are announced at the beginning of each new program year.
When streets are past their useful life and the base of the road has failed, surface treatments are no longer a viable option. The Street Reconstruction Program addresses roads that are in the worst condition. This program includes full or partial reconstruction of streets, plus new sidewalks, curbs, streetlights and storm drainage improvements as needed.
Resurfacing and curb repairs are sometimes rolled into one project with other improvements needed in an area. Examples include streetlights, storm sewer work or road widening/realignment. These improvement projects allow us to complete work more efficiently and economically. They’re typically listed as individual projects in the City’s Capital Improvement Program.