Police Records Make an open records request from Lenexa Police or request accident reports. Attorneys can make a request for discovery.
File a Report Help us keep neighborhoods safe. Report suspicious activity, child abuse, domestic violence or other crimes.
Police Calls for Service The calls for service reflect incidents handled by the Lenexa Police Department in the last 24 hours or longer.
File a Traffic Complaint If you have concerns about traffic in your neighborhood or on a certain street, make a traffic complaint.
Vacation House Watch When you are out of town, the Lenexa Police Department will keep an eye on your home.
Hiring an Off-Duty Police Officer Private entities can hire an off-duty Lenexa police officer to provide security services.
Child Car Seat Inspections Make sure you've installed your child's car seat correctly. Schedule an inspection with a certified public service officer.
Drug Disposal Safely get rid of old, unused or expired prescription medications at the Lenexa Justice Center.
Gun Locks We are committed to firearms safety. You can pick up a free gun lock at the Lenexa Justice Center.
Vehicle Lockouts We will assist if you are locked out of your vehicle, or if someone is locked in a vehicle and cannot unlock it themselves.
Police School Resource Officers Contact information for our Police Department's School Resource Officers
Lenexa Justice Center Community Room Reserve this Lenexa Justice Center venue for a public meeting, training or workshop. (Capacity: 84–125 depending on setup)