Ballots have been mailed to registered voters in Lenexa, who will decide whether to renew the City’s 3/8-Cent Sales Tax. Mail or drop off your completed ballot by noon on April 1.
Lenexa takes a proactive, data-driven approach to prolong the life of our community's infrastructure. Programs listed below as ongoing are funded each year to address ongoing needs. Additionally, you will find projects listed below that are planned for the current year and fall outside of those programs.
The Pavement Management Program is an annual program dedicated to proactive maintenance of Lenexa streets.
Some streets are past their useful life, and surface treatments are no longer an option for these roads.
This program enhances pedestrian safety and accessibility by rehabilitating and maintaining sidewalks and addressing sidewalk network connectivity throughout the city.
This program addresses maintenance needs for existing bridges in the city to keep them safe and extend their useful life.
This program replaces older streetlights with new modern energy efficient lights that meet current City standards.
The program funds improvements to the street system to address issues identified in the Complete Streets Plan and improve the overall transportation network to better accommodate all modes of transportation.
Continued development in western Lenexa, along with potential traffic increases from the Panasonic Plant, show that 83rd Street will need capacity and safety improvements in the next five years. (2025–2027 project)
Installation of a new traffic signal at 83rd Street and Lackman Road. (2024–2025 project)
Install new traffic signal with ADA ramps, pedestrian signals and ADA push buttons on all approaches. (2023–2025 project)
The project will repair or replace portions of the pavement, stormwater pipes and streetlights. (2025–2026 project)
Construct 99th Street as a four-lane, divided roadway from the current end of pavement at 98th Street easterly 2,550 feet to future Clare Road (2024 project)
The project will replace the existing bridge over Flat Rock Creek. (2025 project)
The project will widen Canyon Creek Boulevard as well as construct new turn lanes at the K-10 interchange. (2025–2026 project)
Construct a northbound right-turn lane at the I-435 entrance ramp (2024–2025 project)
This project will reconstruct the pavement portion of four roundabouts along Monticello Road between 83rd Street and Prairie Star Parkway. (2025–2026 project)
The project will replace lighting, fencing and paint handrails. (2025–2026 project)
The project will add new curb, gutter, streetlights, storm sewer and trail (2024–2025 project)