Ballots have been mailed to registered voters in Lenexa, who will decide whether to renew the City’s 3/8-Cent Sales Tax. Mail or drop off your completed ballot by noon on April 1.
Due to increased traffic, additional turn lanes are needed at the interchange to support growth and development in the area. This area is a high-growth area of residential and commercial development based on the updated Comprehensive Plan.
Project description
This project will widen Canyon Creek Boulevard from the K-10 bridge north to the westbound K-10 entrance and exit ramps to accommodate a northbound left-turn lane. It will also mill and overlay Canyon Creek Boulevard while constructing the new turn lane. Other work includes widening the westbound K-10 exit ramp to add a right-turn lane.
Staff is working with the Kansas Department of Transportation to include complete reconstruction of the interchange in future K-10 improvements. Those discussions and timelines for the K-10 improvements will determine the need for these interim improvements.