Ballots have been mailed to registered voters in Lenexa, who will decide whether to renew the City’s 3/8-Cent Sales Tax. Mail or drop off your completed ballot by noon on April 1.
The 95th Street Project will complete heavy preventative maintenance on 2.25 miles of roadway from Renner Boulevard to Noland Road. Portions of the pavement, stormwater, and a section of streetlights throughout this section of roadway are in need of repair or replacement. This project will complete maintenance activities to prevent the need for reconstruction.
Project description
The 95th Street Project will consist of stormwater pipe replacement and lining at several locations, a small section of streetlight replacement, median island beautification from Loiret Boulevard to Lackman Road, spot replacement of deteriorated sidewalk, trail, curbs and gutters, an asphalt mill and overlay, and new pavement markings.