Ballots have been mailed to registered voters in Lenexa, who will decide whether to renew the City’s 3/8-Cent Sales Tax. Mail or drop off your completed ballot by noon on April 1.
Due to the adjacent development of Grundfos Headquarters, Skyline, Collins Aerospace, along with the extension of Maurer Road and associated development, this intersection now warrants a traffic signal. To provide more efficient operation of the intersection, additional turn lanes are necessary.
Install new traffic signal with ADA ramps, pedestrian signals and ADA push buttons on all approaches. Other work includes construction of a westbound right turn lane on 95th Street; a southbound right turn lane on Loiret Boulevard; and an extension of the existing northbound right turn lane on Loiret Boulevard.
Utility conflicts have delayed construction of the turn lanes and signals. Work will continue to progress through the winter months with completion anticipated by the end of April 2025.