Ballots have been mailed to registered voters in Lenexa, who will decide whether to renew the City’s 3/8-Cent Sales Tax. Mail or drop off your completed ballot by noon on April 1.
Our Planning and Zoning Division helps with current and long-range planning in Lenexa. If you have questions about any part of the planning process, please contact us at or 913.477.7500.
View a map of active and recent development applications in Lenexa.
This map combines the Zoning Map and the Future Land Use Map from the Comprehensive Plan.
Our Comprehensive Plan is the official guide for growth and development. It includes overall principles that reflect our desired policy direction, as well as specific plans and recommendations for implementing those ideas.
Consult several planning-related resources that are part of the development review process.
Our planning approval processes help ensure your project meets property development regulations, is of high quality and fits the character of our community.
The Planning Commission reviews planning applications.
The Board of Zoning Appeals grants variances and exceptions from the requirements of the Unified Development Code.