Business Licenses

If you operate a business in Lenexa, you are required to have a business license and a certificate of occupancy. Most licenses are issued for one year and must be renewed annually, although there are a few exceptions.

City Code on business licenses

Need to look up or confirm a specific business license? Call 913.477.7725 or email


Complete Business License Application(PDF, 89KB) (or specialty business license application listed below).

You can email the application to or mail it or bring in person to:

Lenexa City Hall
17101 W. 87thSt. Pkwy.
Lenexa, KS 66219

Whether you apply at City Hall, or by submitting the application by email, you will need to provide all supplemental documentation required for your business license type and the business license fee for your business type listed in our fee schedule(PDF, 806KB).

A Certificate of Occupancy(PDF, 204KB)  may also be required when you submit for a new Business License. Please contact staff by email at or by phone at 913.477.7725 to help determine if you will also need to complete that application.


If you have a current business license in Lenexa, you should receive a renewal notice approximately 45 days prior to your license expiration date.

  • If you have 'Opted In' to receive invoices electronically you will receive an email with a 'Renew Now' link that will direct you to your license where you can make your renewal payment.
  • If you have chosen to 'Opt Out', you will receive a printed invoice in the mail about 45 days prior to your license expiration.

Almost all business licenses can be renewed online through this process. Although Massage license renewal fees can be paid online, Massage licenses must be renewed in person at:

Lenexa City Hall
17101 W. 87th St. Pkwy.
Lenexa, KS 66219

In order to renew certain business licenses, you will need to provide all supplemental documentation required for your business license type and the business license fee for your business type listed in our fee schedule(PDF, 806KB).

If you have not received your renewal notice either by email, or in the mail, approximately 30 days prior to your expiration date please contact staff either by email at or by phone at 913.477.7725.

Specialty licenses

Cereal Malt Beverage License

If cereal malt beverages will be consumed at your place of business or purchased in unopened containers at your business, you will need this license. 

The applications, qualifications for licensure, and general information regarding CMB licensing and sales can be found at Kansas Department of Revenue Alcoholic Beverage Control - Cereal Malt Beverage

If your application is approved by our staff, the Lenexa City Council will consider it at their next meeting. CMB licenses expire December 31 each year and must be renewed annually.

Drinking Establishment License

If your business sells alcohol by the drink, you are required to have a drinking establishment license with the City of Lenexa.

To obtain a drinking establishment license:

  1. Obtain State License: Information/qualification/applications regarding state licensure
  2. Submit a copy of your approved state license, a general business license application and business license fee to us by email (, mail or in person.

Once your application is approved, we will issue your City license for the time period covered by your State license (usually two years from the date it was issued).

Retail Liquor License

To operate a liquor store in Lenexa, you must have a City of Lenexa liquor license.

To obtain a retail liquor license, you must first obtain a license from the State of Kansas:

Submit a copy of your approved State license, a general business license application for the City of Lenexa, and business license fee to us by email (, mail or in person.

Once your application is approved, we will issue your City license for the time period covered by your State license (usually two years from the date it was issued).

Contractor License

If you are performing construction work in Lenexa, you must have a contractor license before receiving a building permit. This includes general contractors and all subcontractors. You must have these documents on file with us:

  • The general business license application
  • A Johnson County contractor license (exceptions: fence, land disturbance and site development permits)
  • A residential performance guarantee(PDF, 46KB) if you are doing any digging, grading or excavating (provided to the city by the general contractor) for residential construction.
  • A commercial performance guarantee(PDF, 49KB) if you are doing any digging, grading or excavating (provided to the city by the general contractor) for commercial construction.
  • In lieu of a performance guarantee, the general contractor may provide a Letter of Credit or cash bond in the appropriate amount, to be returned by the city at the completion of the project.
  • If you are doing public improvement projects, you must post a performance and two-year maintenance bond(PDF, 59KB) for the total cost of the improvements.

Home Daycare License

If you provide regular care and supervision of children in your home for periods less than 24 hours per day, you need a home daycare license. You must be licensed or registered with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

  • The Lenexa Fire Department will inspect your home to ensure it meets safety requirements.
  • You are allowed one non-illuminated façade sign mounted on or adjacent to your home’s entrance. It must be compatible in color with your home, and it can be no larger than one square foot.
  • If you make changes to your business, including increasing the number of children to more than six or changing locations, please call us at 913.477.7500.

We offer two levels of home daycare licenses:

Limited home daycare license(PDF, 58KB): For no more than six children (including your own). Submit an application by mail or in person at Lenexa City Hall. We will review your application and issue your license.

General home daycare license(PDF, 64KB): For seven to 12 children (including your own). Your application may take 48 days or more to be approved, as it must go through the following process:

  1. We will review your application and notify surrounding property owners.
  2. A public hearing before the Lenexa Planning Commission will be held. Once you submit your application and pay your fee, we will provide you with detailed information about this process.
  3. If the Planning Commission recommends your application for approval, the Lenexa City Council will make the final decision.
  4. If approved by the City Council, our staff will then process your application and issue your license.

The special-use permit you will receive is good for a specified period of time, but you must renew your business license annually.

Home Occupation License

If you are operating a business out of your home, you must have a home occupation license. You must operate your business in compliance with all guidelines in the Lenexa City Code Section 4-1-B-24. Your home’s main use must remain residential, and your home business must function in a manner that is not noticeable or offensive to your neighbors.

Home Occupation License Application(PDF, 141KB)

  • Employees: You may have up to one other person, in addition to your family members, assisting with your home occupation.
  • Size: You can use up to 25 percent of the total floor area of your home (including the garage and basement) for your home occupation. If you have more than one home occupation, the combined square footage must not exceed 25 percent.
  • Appearance: You may not change the exterior appearance of your home. You may have one non-illuminated sign mounted on or next to the entrance. It should be no larger than 1 square foot and must be compatible with your home’s color.
  • Hours of operation: You may have business-related visits between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Traffic, parking and business gatherings: Your home business can generate no more than six vehicle round trips per day. Business visitors may not park on the street, except for occasional business gatherings. You may have up to 12 business gatherings per year during permitted business hours.
  • Entrance: You may not have a separate entrance for your business.
  • Nuisances: Your home business should not create noise, dust, heat, smoke, odor, vibration, electrical interference, light or radio/television transmission interference that exceeds levels normally associated with residential areas. You may not produce, dump or store combustible, toxic or other hazardous substances on site.
  • Landlord consent: If you are renting your home, we require you to have written consent from your landlord.

Massage Licenses

If you provide massage therapy services in Lenexa, you need one or both of the following types of massage licenses.

Massage Therapist License(PDF, 238KB)

If you are an individual providing home-based massage therapy services, or you are a massage therapist operating in a massage establishment, you must have this license.

For a new massage therapist license, make an appointment with a Licensing & Permit Technician by calling 913.477.7500. At this appointment, you will need to submit the following documentation:

  • A Massage Therapist License application (our staff will notarize this for you)
  • Certified transcripts of 500 credit hours at an accredited school
  • Current first aid and CPR cards (must be hands-on classes provided by American Heart Association or American Red Cross)
  • Payment of the application fee
  • Valid photo identification from Kansas or Missouri

To renew your massage therapist license, you must do so at least 21 days before your license expires. If you do not do so in that time period, your license could be delayed and you will not be able to provide services until it is approved.

  • Also to renew, you must provide proof that you have received a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education during the past year, as listed in Lenexa City Code Chapter 2-3-B-11.

Massage Establishment License(PDF, 183KB)

If you will be operating a business location in Lenexa, you must have a massage establishment license.

For a new massage establishment license, make an appointment with a Licensing & Permit Technician by calling 913.477.7500. At this appointment, you will need to submit the following documentation:

  • Check to make sure your location is zoned for this use by calling 913.477.7500
  • A massage establishment license application (our staff will notarize this for you)
  • Copy of your signed tenant lease with use noted as Massage
  • Property Owner’s Signature on page 2 of the application
  • Copy of the State of Kansas Certificate of Good Standing
  • Payment of the application fee
  • Valid photo identification from Kansas or Missouri

Each massage establishment must have at least one licensed massage therapist, a massage establishment license and a certificate of occupancy(PDF, 204KB)  within 90 days of your license approval to operate.

  • Each employee must be listed separately.
  • All establishments must have at least one manager. The manager doesn’t have to be a licensed massage therapist. A manager is required to be on site any time massage is being performed.
  • The fee for the establishment license does not include the fee for each individual massage therapist license.

To renew your massage establishment license, you must do so at least 21 days before your license expires. If you do not do so in that time period, your license could be delayed and you will not be able to provide services until it is approved.

Non-Profit Business License

If you are a non-profit business operating in the city, we ask that you apply for a non-profit business license by mail, email or in person at Lenexa City Hall.

Non-Profit Business License Application(PDF, 35KB)

  • There is no fee for a non-profit business license.
  • We may require you to file a verified statement of fact.

Pawnbroker/Precious Metals Dealer License

If you would like to engage in business as a pawnbroker or precious metals dealer, you must have a license.

Pawnbroker/Precious Metals Dealer License Application(PDF, 107KB)

Refuse (Trash) Hauler License

If you would like to collect residential or commercial waste in Lenexa (including compost service), you must have a refuse hauler license.

  • You may only collect trash, recycling and yard waste between 7 a.m. and sunset.
  • You must collect at least once per week.

Please contact to request the waste hauler application and supplemental paperwork.

In addition to the application and supporting documents, you must provide us with a certificate of insurance with the following:

  • City of Lenexa is noted as the certificate holder
  • You must be authorized to do business in Kansas and carry an A.M. Best’s policyholder rating of at least A-:VII.
  • Commercial general liability in an amount no less than $500,000 bodily injury and property damage per occurrence, including personal and advertising injury; $1,000,000 general aggregate. Coverage must include independent contractors and subcontractors
  • Automobile liability in an amount no less than $500,000 bodily injury and property damage combined single limit, including all owned (if any), hired and non-owned autos
  • You are required to give us 30 days advance written notice, by registered mail, if your policy is canceled. A Notification to Others of Cancellation endorsement attaching a schedule listing the City of Lenexa must be included as part of this insurance certificate.
  • Coverage for contractors and subcontractors should be either noted in the description section of the accord form or on the blank lines in the general liability section.

Tow Service Provider License

To tow, remove or store motor vehicles in Lenexa, you must have a tow provider license. Submit the application and required documentation by mail or in person to Lenexa City Hall.

  • General business license application
  • Tow lot approval by the Lenexa Police Department
  • Notarized Tow Service Provider Authorization Indemnification Agreement

You must also provide us with a certificate of insurance from your insurance provider with the following requirements:

  • City of Lenexa is to be named as the Certificate Holder. We are to be named as an additional insured on all required insuring agreements, with the exception of workers’ compensation.
  • Garage liability or commercial general liability. Minimum $500,000 combined single limits, bodily injury and property damage. Your policy must include each of the following:
  1. Premises & operations liability
  2. Products & completed operations
  • Automobile liability. Minimum $500,000 combined single limits, bodily injury and property damage. Your policy must include one of the following:
    1. Any auto
    2. All owned, hired and non-owned autos
    3. All scheduled, hired and non-owned autos
  • Garage keepers coverage: Minimum $75,000 per garage location
  • Workers’ compensation: Statutory.
  • Employer’s liability
  • On-hook/cargo: Minimum $50,000

Funeral Escort Service

If you would like to operate a Funeral Escort Service in or through Lenexa streets and highways, you must first register the business.

Funeral Escort Service Registration(PDF, 66KB)

You will need to provide your business name and contact information, all owners’ names and addresses, list the number and type of escort vehicles proposed to be used, and provide a copy of your general liability, automotive liability and workers’ compensation insurance policy information on an insurance certificate with the City of Lenexa as additional insured and certificate holder.

  • You will receive documentation from the city once your registration has been approved.
  • All registrations expire Dec. 31 and must be renewed for the following calendar year.
  • There is no fee for the registration.